A cappella choir graces Yantian Auditorium

From: sznews.com | Updated:2023-05-11

On May 9, the A cappella via Hearing High a cappella choir presented a concert titled “Blooming May” at Yantian Auditorium in Yantian District, taking audience onto a musical, soul-healing journey.


The concert was divided into three chapters: “Picturesque Rivers and Mountains,” “Charming Countryside and Fleeting Years” and “Blooming.” The ensemble performed songs of a variety of styles including such classics as “Wanjiang,” “Juniors,” “Lake Baikal,” and “Grandma’s Penghu Bay.”


A cappella via Hearing High was formed in August 2022 and currently has 26 members who all graduated from professional conservatories. The group has been dedicated to public benefit performances and cultural activities since its establishment.
