SZ unveils brochures to aid HK travelers

From: Shenzhen Daily | Updated:2023-08-15

Shenzhen started giving out themed travel brochures in checkpoint areas Sunday in a bid to provide practical and convenient travel information for Hongkongers, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily reported.

The full restoration of normal cross-border travel between Shenzhen and Hong Kong earlier this year has allowed closer economic and trade exchanges between the two cities, rekindling Hong Kong residents’ enthusiasm to shop and spend in Shenzhen.

The brochure, in its first edition, is based on a survey of Hong Kong travelers’ preferences for traveling to Shenzhen. Through hand-drawn maps, the brochure is divided into two parts. The first part concentrates on recommending activities and destinations in close proximity to the checkpoints, catering to Hong Kong residents’ after-work or weekend getaway needs. The second section offers a more comprehensive and detailed travel guide to Shenzhen’s diverse attractions.

Future editions will feature richer and more diversified content, enhancing the experience for tourists as they explore the city, the Daily report said.

The brochures are currently available at five major checkpoints including Futian, Huanggang, Luohu, Shenzhen Bay and Liangtang, with volunteers distributing and explaining travel information.

Many Hong Kong visitors have given a thumbs-up to the brochures, applauding the thoughtful use of traditional Chinese characters and the creatively rendered illustrations. In addition to recommendations for dining, recreational pursuits and more, these brochures also help them swiftly pinpoint their desired destinations, according to the Daily report.

Zhang Zhenyang, an official in charge of tourism promotion from the Shenzhen Municipal Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau, said that the city will develop more and premium tourism products to meet the demand of Hong Kong residents. The focus will be on Shenzhen’s rich mountain and sea resources, commercial areas, fashion industry, night economy and industrial tourism. The bureau will work with various departments to provide Hong Kong residents more convenience and discounts as they explore Shenzhen’s diverse offerings.
