Junior high schools

From: yantian.gov.cn | Updated:2023-04-13

Yantian is joining hands with the Ministry of Education to build an innovation and experiment zone for education modernization. Yantian is realizing the visions of providing quality education to students.

  Name AddressTel
 Yantian Foreign Languages School69 Huanbi Road 2, Dameisha, Yantian District, Shenzhen (深圳市盐田区大梅沙环碧路69号) (86-755)-25259956
Yantian Experimental School10 Donghai Road 3, Yantian District (深圳市盐田区盐田街道东海三街10号)


3Yantian Yunhai School

10 Zhongqing Road 2, Yantian Subdistrict, Yantian District


4Yantian Tiandong Middle School56 Donghe Road, Shatoujiao, Yantian District, Shenzhen (深圳市沙头角东和路56号)(86-755)-25358316
5Meisha Bilingual School33 Huanmei Road, Dameisha Area, Yantian District(深圳市盐田区大梅沙环梅路33号)(86-755)-66866555
